Best Resolution: 1024 X 768          最佳解析度: 1024 X 768         Latest Update: 2007/09/01        c 2007, Nina Lin
To contact me

+886 2 23697648
+886 2 23644625
R319, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4,
Roosevelt Road,
Taipei 10617
Taiwan, R.O.C.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Update index page. Also, the mirror site has been removed.
更新首頁. 鏡射網址已被移除.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Update latest information about jobs and publication. Also update the news of getting married. Album is replace by the album in Adobe Forum. Wedding record is included (text in Chinese).
Also after the wedding, suddenly the number of my families largely increased. I update all the pictures in the link of "Family".
更新最近工作/就學資訊與著作. 結婚的資訊亦加入. 相簿由泥磚屋討論區(blog)的相簿取代. 另外上面的banner也做了更新. 晚一點會再把Caltech的logo放到banner裡. 增加了婚禮記錄(中文).
另外在結婚之後, 我的家人大大地增加了, 所以"家庭"的連結也更新了.

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Some minor errors in thesis are corrected. Some of the html links are also renewed.
更正論文中部份小錯, 另外html的連結重新改過.

Tuesday, Novermber 29, 2005

I made a mirror site for this website at In case this website crashes, I hope another mirror site can still provide necessary information.
The album is also renewed. Some new albums are included; most of the albums are uploaded to the album in Adobe Forum (Blog). However, when the internet is crowded, the speed in the Blog may be really slow, so I still keep the album in this website.
我做了一個鏡射的站在 倘若現在這個站掛掉了, 大家還是可以到另一個站去看.
另外, 相簿已經更新, 增加了許多新相本, 而且大部份的相本也都放到"泥磚屋討論區"的相簿中. 不過因為那個部落格有時後挺慢的, 所以這個站上的相簿還是會被保留下來.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Finally, I have finished all the basic contents in this website.
今天終於完整這個網頁上的所有資料, 希望以後有時間可以再慢慢做更新!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

GAdobe, Nina's personal homepage, was open today!