Best Resolution: 1024 X 768          最佳解析度: 1024 X 768         Latest Update: 2007/09/01        c 2007, Nina Lin
To contact me

+886 2 23697648
+886 2 23644625
R319, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4,
Roosevelt Road,
Taipei 10617
Taiwan, R.O.C.


Mother 母親

She always says: you three are all I have.
She sacrificed her everything for the well-being of us.

Father 父親

He is a very successful businessman.
I always admire his ambitiousness and determination.

Sister, Regina Lin 大姐

She is the wisest woman I have ever seen so far.
I like the way she laughs and the way she leads her life.

Sister, Yushih Lin 二姐, 雙胞胎

As a twin sister, she shares many similar characteristics with me.
But, she is unique in the her puerile smile yet full-blown scientific thinking.
她是我雙生姊姊, 我們分享有許多共同的喜好與歡樂.

Papa & Mama

Wangyu's parents. They treat me as their own daughter. I love them very much.
王昱的爸媽(現在也是我的爸媽). 他們待我如同他們親生女兒般.

Brother & Sister in law

Now my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. I am so lucky to have two more siblings. They are very very nice persons.
王昱的哥哥嫂嫂. 他們都是很棒很棒的人.

Grandpa & Rayray

Very handsome grandpa and very lovely Rayray (the son of Wangyu's brother).
爺爺跟睿睿. 睿睿是哥哥嫂嫂的小孩, 也是我們家的寶貝.

Wang Yu 王昱

I respect him very much for his incredibly creative scientific sense.
He is also an honorable rival and an irreplaceable partner.

Zhuang-Zhuang 壯壯

My first dog. She gave me extremely wonderful ten years.
She passed away on May 5, 2003. I still miss her very much.

Di-Di 弟弟

My second dog. I brought him home on May 20, 2004, after I got a prize in JGA.
He is so lovely that even my teacher likes him very much.
我的第二隻狗. 他是可愛星球來的怪物.

Mei-Mei 妹妹

My third dog. I brought her home on March 14, 2005, the white Valentine's Day.
She is unbelievably naughty and voracious.
我的第三隻狗. 她是搗蛋星球來的怪物.

Hei-Hei 黑黑 (Lulu Wang?)

My fourth dog. She came to my house in May 2006.
Somehow she is always under hungry status. I will bring her to US.
我的第四隻狗. 她總是處在饑餓狀態.