Best Resolution: 1024 X 768          最佳解析度: 1024 X 768         Latest Update: 2007/09/01        c 2007, Nina Lin
To contact me

+886 2 23697648
+886 2 23644625
R319, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4,
Roosevelt Road,
Taipei 10617
Taiwan, R.O.C.


I used to dream about being a sociologist; when choosing college major, unhesitatingly I chose sociology. In 2001 summer, a fateful journey forever changed my destination. It was an island-wide bike journey; it was the end of a long quandary and the beginning of a whole new start. When facing the all the magnificent and the spectacular alone in the field, I could not talk myself out of the fascination of nature.

After four years of struggling and hard work, now I can proudly announce that I am a geologist. My principle study interests are neotectonics, structural geology, seismotectonics and remote sensing. For the past two years I applied all the above-mentioned theories and methods on the study of "1935 Hsinchu-Taichung earthquake," which is the most disastrous event in Taiwan before the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. The result showed what may be the whole neotectonic system related to the 1935 earthquake, and what are the exact seismogenic structures of this event.

Outside school, I participated in many activities. I worked as part-time research assistant in the Exploration and Development Research Institute of the Chinese Petroleum Corporation in Taiwan. I also worked as contract technician for GeoForce Technologies Corporation.

After graduating from National Taiwan University, I worked as a full-time research assistant in the Department of Geosciences for two years. During this period (Feb 2005 - Dec 2006), I participated in numerous research projects, including:
Terrace Chronology of NW Taiwan (CGS projcet, Feb 2005 - Dec 2006),
Indonesia GIS Project (USGS project, July 2006) and
Yalu Zangpo Neotectonic Research (NSC project, Aug 2006, April 2007).

In January and February 2007, I worked as a full-time geophysicist in CPC Corporation, Taiwan. It was a really wonderful working experience. After that, I was accepted by Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology. From May 2007, I participate in the Operational Tsunami Prediction and Assessment System (OTPAS) in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. This SeptemberI will start my new page of research life in Caltech, USA.

大多數人感到最不可思議的, 是我竟然大學念的是文組的社會系, 而且還念到畢業後才來念地質研究所的. 這中間的轉折, 是在2001年, 我大三升大四的暑假. 在那個熱得令人發昏的夏天, 我一個人獨自出發, 騎著一台淑女車, 花了一個月的時間把臺灣這塊土地好好地看了一遍. 一個月後, 我回到台北, 皮膚曬得黑得發亮, 而內心也充滿了重新出法的勇氣, 以及對大自然無比的敬畏與感動.

四年過去了, 現在我已可驕傲地自稱: 我是一個地質學家! 我主要的研究領域是新期活動構造, 構造地質學, 地震地體構造與遙感探測學. 過去碩士班的兩年內, 我討論的主題是"1935年新竹台中烈震," 這是臺灣在1999年集集地震前所發生最大的地震, 有三千多人的傷亡. 這個研究的貢獻在於, 確切地定義出1935年地震的整個新構造系統, 以及該次事件中的發震構造模型.

在學校以外, 我也積極參加各種活動. 我曾在中油探採研究所擔任兼任助理, 協助全台3D構造模型的建立; 我擔任群立科技的約聘技術人員以及軟體講師.

國立台灣大學畢業後, 我在地質科學系擔任兩年的研究助理(2005年2月~2006年12月). 在此期間, 我參加的研究計畫包括有:
印尼地質資訊系統計畫(美國地質調查所計畫,2006年7月), 以及
雅魯藏布江活動構造研究(國家科學委員會計畫, 2006年8月, 2007年4月).

2007年1-2間, 我轉職於台灣石油公司, 擔任地球物理師(實習). 不過在此期間, 收到美國加州理工學院地質與行星科學系的錄取通知, 便毅然決然地辭職. 之後, 便與我未來的指導教授在新加坡南洋理工學院執行"海嘯預測與評估系統"的計畫. 預計於今年9月將於加州理工展開我的新研究生活.